Sunday, August 2, 2009

Smile ~ Everything will be fine when you smile


As age grow, problem grow, but Smile on face goes less.
It happen to me either.
But i'll still always keep my smile~ and try to do it often.
Life is short, problems will come no matter how, so i choose to smile and face the problem :P
Even Problems are coming nonstop, but do not fear on it.
Lets fight the problems and Create a good future for ourselves.

with the
Smile everything will be fine. The day will be brighter tomorrow.

Look at their smile ~ so cham :)

Once again duno wat am i writing..lolx


  1. haha if i didnt c ur last sentence...
    i tot u r copy the words from the email cz b4 rcv many mail similar like tat...but indeed "SMILE" is so important in LIFE. soooo smileeeeeeeeeeee :)

  2. lolx...supposely have another type of Smile post d..tapi i duno hw to just do it simple :P
